Are you into the JOB in Software Testing?
Are you into the CAREER in Software Testing?
There is a difference between the word JOB & CAREER.
As I said, a JOB is a temporary assignment with a particular employer. So, a person can have different JOBs in his/her entire CAREER. Then, he/she can decide to make his/her CAREER in the area where he/she is perfect.
Let suppose, a person gets hired in Software Development. It's his/her JOB(Responsibility). Further he/she moves to Software Testing, it's his/her second JOB(Responsibility). And decides to remain in the field of Software Testing itself as because he/she finds comfortableness with it or he/she does it very efficiently or he/she have spared more time on it. And finally, the Software Testing becomes his/her CAREER.
The JOB in Software Testing arena includes, Junior Tester, Senior Tester, Test Manager, etc.

If I'm not wrong, you all are married to Software Testing.
So, was it Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage??
OK, let me clear all those highly technical terms..
Love Marriage to Software Testing:
You had planned or dreamt to become a Software Tester. Hence, you became the Software Tester by your own choice.
Arranged Marriage to Software Testing:
You never had planned or dreamt to become a Software Tester. It just took place accidentally, in absence of your dream/desire.
I mean you wanted to become something else, but due to some reason you get hired as Software Tester. And thereafter you fall into the LOVE in Software Testing, not exactly fall into the LOVE but has to fall into the LOVE.
Software Testing is one of the most important phase in the Software Development. Software Testing is as important as software development activity. But there are some myths about the Career in Software Testing is inferior to Software Development.
The Software Testing adds value to the Software Development. It involves right from the kick off stage of the Software Development Life Cycle.
Do you have any idea about how much a simple software mistake can cost?
> It can cost a million dollar, that you can't imagine.
> It can dissatisfy the current Clients.
> It can disgust the prospective Clients.
Top reasons for the CAREER in Software Testing...
1. A Tester gets to play with the Product even before the Customer sees the product.
2. A Tester understands the product in-depth right from product requirements.
3. A Tester gets to see the whole product fully in action before any one else.
4. A Tester is the second one to see bleeding edge innovation after the development.
5. A Tester co-ordinates with all the involved stake holders i.e. Client, Project Manager, Development Team, Testing Team, etc.
6. A Tester is the ultimate to stamp the seal of approval and clear the product for shipment.
In my opinion, the Career in Software Testing arena is wonderful as compared to any other, because:
> You'll have to judge and identify the mistakes of others(Developers)
> You'll have to break their ugly building again and again, and force them to make a beautiful one.
> You'll have to think beyond than anyone else, not for building but for breaking.
If you are good out-of-box thinker..
If you love to make others cry..
Then, it's for you !!
It's the right place, welcome aboard !!
1 comment:
What a lovely narration!!
I just loved it :)
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